There have been some questions that asks things like:
- Replace a=1, b=2,... Find word with characters having product of 1 million
- Words with greatest single letter-to-word ratio
- Longest suffix with atleast 5 known words and so on.....
There are 2 approaches:
- Use some common sense and logic, and a lot of trial and error to manually get results.
- Write a customized program that scans a dictionary and gives results.
I'm not too great a fan of option 1, and option 2 seems off-topic to this site. Eventually it is the computer who is going to get the best results.
Also, it is quite easy to create such puzzles. (I could post 20 such puzzles in 2-3 hour's time, if I feel like) I don't know to what extent they actually add to the site's quality content.
Questions on Puzzling SE should help in the following 3 ways:
- Help the OP get an answer or understand a concept - The OP is just doing it to earn some rep. Once a few days have passed, there is no knowledge to be gained from a random list of words.
- Entertain other puzzlers - This is probably the only thing it actually does. As I said, such puzzles can be mass-produced even by amateurs and don't exactly deserve much rep (in my opinion)
- Provide future reference - I don't think anyone is going to end up googling an exact same question as one existing here, and end up finding it.
Basically, there are 3 options to consider:
- Let them remain on the site - Okay, if you want to leave them alone, then do so. Unless you have a strong argument for it, I think I'll just down-vote these posts.
- Make them off-topic - That is fine by me. It is just that there seem to be people who like these puzzles, and I don't want to spoil the site for them.
- Ask answerers to tell us the logic they used to get the answer also - This seems to be the best way of making these puzzles actually 'informative'. Ask the answerers to give some hints on how they figured it out. Maybe they used some common prefixes, or omitted rare letters, or something like that.
P.S. I hope I have not been too harsh about it.