Where am I!?
This is Puzzling Stack Exchange's Official Riddle Sandbox™!
Users who wish to post riddles can post them here first, and receive feedback, development advice and guidance before posting them on the main site. Writing good riddles the first time can be difficult, and this is intended to help us all discuss quality and ultimately improve the site.
Posting here is not required. You are free to do so anyway, though, if you would like the feedback before posting your riddle.
To post in the sandbox, post as you would normally. You may include a solution - if you decide to do so, it should be spoilered, at the bottom of the post. Include the tags you plan to use, too: they can be formatted using [tag:tagname]
The ultimate goal of the sandbox is to help you improve your puzzle before it's posted on the main site. Once puzzles are posted on the main site, and people are already coming up with answers, it becomes much harder to edit and fix them; here, though, they're freely editable.
Here are a few important guidelines and tips for people who wish to help with sandboxed posts:
- Remember to be nice. The link is worth a re-read, even if you know what it says. We're ultimately here to help each other, and it's important to be sensitive to the work people put into their riddles.
- If participating in the sandbox for a question has given you an advantage when the question is posted on the main site, please don't answer it on the main site. People often put a lot of work into these riddles, and it’s discouraging when no one gets a chance to think about the riddle because someone else with prior knowledge scooped the answer.
- Offer positive feedback when you see something done particularly well - don't just focus on the improvement. This will not only encourage the riddle creator, but will help others to recognize what goes into making a quality riddle.
- Please don't answer questions in comments here when the solution is not provided.
- Focus on the problem, not the person.
- Return to check up on posts you've already seen, and vote/give specific feedback.
The sandbox works best if you sort posts by "active."
Also, feel free to ask questions in the riddle sandbox chat!
Thanks, and happy puzzling!