Go to the main site and click the "Ask Question" button. You get a big box to type your question into, a box at the bottom for tags, and a box at the top for the title. Before you type anything into the title box, it says:
What's your creation and solving of puzzles question? Be specific.
Presumably this is because way back in the private beta stage, Puzzling.SE was only for theoretical questions about the creation and solving of puzzles and not for actual puzzles posted as challenges. Some of us will remember the lengthy and sometimes heated discussions that went on last autumn and winter when the site underwent some major changes in scope and direction. But this hasn't yet been taken account of in one of the most important places on the site! We want new users to know, when they sign up to ask their first question, that the site isn't just for questions about the creation and solving of puzzles.
I've seen this answer which says such a change would be impossible to make, but I think they're mistaken. The Science Fiction and Fantasy SE used to be only for science fiction, changing to include fantasy during the public beta stage, and the title box now mentions both science fiction and fantasy.
Assuming I'm right that this is possible, we need to discuss what should go in the title box (hence the discussion tag as well as feature-request). Jon Ericson suggested the following succinct version:
What's your puzzling question? Be specific.
I also thought of something like:
What's your puzzle or question about puzzles? Be specific.
Edit: after a Word of Mod response saying it's doable, I've turned this into a polling thread. Please see the answers below for proposals, and upvote the ones you like. After some reasonable period of time (a week? 2 weeks?), I'll accept the most-upvoted answer and ask the mods if they can get it changed to that.