Sometimes I see a puzzle that is rather easy to solve by writing a small computer program. The [no-computers]-tag exists if the asker of the question doesn't want you to use a computer. But does this also mean that when the tag is absent that computers are allowed(, and in some cases even required)?
Personally I think the anwering of questions here is a bit of a competitive thing so it's nice to be the first one to give the answer and be accepted. But sometimes it takes the fun of out if when a quickly written computer program can solve it.
It could also be the case that the asker is not aware of the existence of the [no-computers]-tag so it could be very unfortunate when the asker of the question was thinking of a nice no-computer answer.
But the other way around could also be true: That the asker of the question expects you to use a computer and in that case I could for example have a computer solution in mind but hold back because I think there might be a nicer no-computer solution.
What are your thoughts about this?