
It seems really obvious because the assumption is likely to be that, if a question is written in English and it is a cipher, that the result of that cipher will be in English. Obviously there can be situations where a special puzzle will not be maybe but basically, is it worth tagging a cipher written in English with the English tag? Is it helpful at all?


1 Answer 1


No. On PSE (and the SE network in general, barring language specific sites), content is assumed to be in English, so specifying as much is redundant and unhelpful.

The tag is used for puzzles that rely specifically on some quirk/feature of the English language itself in order to function, not just for puzzles that happen to be written in English. So you might tag your theoretical cipher (and/or ) if, for example, its encryption was autokeyed somehow to rely on the position (or not) of the letter U in US/UK variant spellings (colo[u]r) of each prior word*.

* This would make for a terrible puzzle, but I'm struggling to come up with a good example on the spot...


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