It seems like it's actually a good question, and has spawned a lot of good answers, but the problem is that the rules here state that any puzzle needs to have one answer that is uniquely verifiable. That is, there should not be two or more answers that seem equally valid based on the parameters of the question.
Unfortunately, this means that a lot of "situation" questions like the one you posed, while interesting questions in themselves, don't fit within the parameters of Puzzling.SE.
You may have one particular answer in mind, but if someone is able to follow all the parameters of the question and come up with another answer that fits them all, that answer is equally valid, and the question is too broad.
It may be that there is nothing you can change to make this work. This type of question is notoriouly hard to constrain to a single valid answer, since it seems like the whole point of the question is to brainstorm valid strategies.
There may be ways that you can disallow certain solutions by applying more parameters to the situation, but you can never guarantee that you have disallowed all of them.
Another possibility is to combine this "situation" type of puzzle with some other puzzle. Maybe the robot came up with a solution and wrote it down in encrypted form. Someone who thinks they have the solution can compare their solution to what the robot wrote to see if it matches. (This is a weak example, but there are many other ways you could use other types of puzzles to constrain the solution.)
TL;DR: There may be nothing you can do, since this type of puzzle is very difficult to constrain to one single correct, verifiable answer. Combining it with another type of puzzle might help you get there.