Our site has a lot of rules.
One might even say, an awful lot.
It would be a very good idea to list the most relevant of them in one place somewhere (the tour seems like a decent option) so that we wouldn't need to give many a well-meaning newcomer a figurative kick in the face when they first try to post, and we explain exactly which meta posts and VTC reasons they should have presciently known in order to avoid the torrent of downvotes that resulted.
As answers, I'm hoping to see some concisely worded, basic rules on what one should post, and how. Along the lines of:
- Mostly, our questions are puzzles of our own making.
- Do not ever post someone else's puzzle as your own
- A puzzle should have a unique solution clearly identifiable as such.
- The tag wikis will sometimes contain a section on "what (not) to do"
and so on.
Having these clearly stated would make the first step into PSE a lot easier to take, I believe.