I'm some new to this stack exchange community. Over the last weeks I've been posting different kinds of problems to my best ability. Some of them had drawings or sketches (the best which I could make them) to illustrate my doubts and confusion.
However some of those like hunters and bullets and competition rankings have pointed out my poor grammar.
Because of this, I feel ashamed. Although English is not my mother language I have to use it and well, most of what I do know comes by self taught and occasional courses. Does this means my questions and doubts should pass through a translation aid software?. Sometimes I use bing or google translate but as you might understand it is not perfect neither really translates properly the intended meaning in a question. Since I have been advised not to use mathjax unless really needed such as avoiding it to use for making lists, does this means should I read some grammar books as well?.
Honestly I wish my skills are not detrimental in the quality of the puzzles which I do present in this site. I think for me some are challenging and because of this I feel them inviting to learn from them, something which I haven't done in years. But again, does this means am I trespassing any norm here?. Although I am aware of the guidelines regarding the questions, to double check if my question already had an answer could be troublesome, because not all the titles really do describe the puzzles with accuracy.
Perhaps does it exist a way to ease the problem with my communication skills in the sense of a reference for english used in puzzles context? as I feel sometimes I am not sure if a word is more appropiate in a given context rather than other word.