We have quite a few sub-tags of mathematics:
- geometry
- arithmetic
- probability
- combinatorics
- etc. etc.
Now, these tags are useful. They allow filtering based on the specific type of mathematics involved. They are also all sub-tags. Puzzles involving geometry, for example, all also involve mathematics. I found an old meta-discussion which explains the rationale for using mathematics on all math-based questions along with any applicable sub-tag.
Including broad tags along with specific ones makes filtering content much easier. It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to search for, e.g., "all math puzzles except puzzles involving probability, combinatorics, arithmetic, geometry, number sequences, ...", whereas a search for "all math puzzles" seems quite reasonable. I think it makes sense to include all tags that could apply to a post.
So great, mathematics should be used on questions even if they have sub-tags. I personally edit mathematics into questions which only have a sub-tag. But, do we want this information in the tag wiki excerpt? An example of this (not added by me) in the functional-equation excerpt:
Questions/puzzles involving functional equations in mathematics. Usually used together with the [mathematics] tag.
An example without it in the combinatorics excerpt:
A puzzle based on combinatorics, which is the study of counting discrete structures.
Would the combinatorics excerpt be improved by adding a line similar to "Usually used together with the [mathematics] tag"?
I suggested an edit along that line. (Actually, I suggested it twice - sorry, I thought I hadn't the first time!). It was rejected for "no improvement". An analogous edit of mine on the word-square excerpt was approved.
My question for the community:
Do we want excerpts for sub-tags of mathematics to include a line saying that mathematics should also be used? (This can be shorter than the example above; a simple "Use with [mathematics]" should suffice)
In response to the duplicate suggestion:
I'm not asking about how the math sub-tags should be used in questions. That's addressed in the first part here; sub-tags are not synonyms and should be used along with mathematics. I'm specifically asking about whether we want that information to be included in tag wiki excerpts.