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Questions tagged [policy]

For questions about the rules and policies of Puzzling Stack Exchange.

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32 votes
2 answers

Let's not be too trigger-happy about closing original puzzles for lack of attribution

I just came across this riddle in the Reopen Votes review queue, having previously seen it in the Close Votes review queue where I was apparently the only person to vote to leave it open. It seems ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I ask for feedback about a new kind of puzzle for kids?

Background: Puzzles for kids such as you see in children magazines always seem to belong to a small set of predefined categories. There are shadow matching puzzles, mazes, spot 7 differences, etc. ...
Alain Reve's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What is PSE's policy on mathematical questions, and why, and what's the history behind it?

It seems like PSE's policy on mathematical questions is kinda complicated and has changed over time. What exactly is the policy, and what's the history that led to it? (There are already lots of ...
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Trademarking puzzles or specific words/phrases

This refers to using a TM symbol for puzzles. On this site, there are a few instances where the OPs have decided to use the Trade Mark symbol TM for the type of puzzle they have come up with. For ...
DrD's user avatar
  • 39.4k
4 votes
1 answer

Already asked Internet Puzzles and answers

Recently a question was posted which is a puzzle by a popular Math teacher. Not to my surprise, answers existed on the net at several different places. I have seen this before also. Reposting puzzles ...
DrD's user avatar
  • 39.4k
20 votes
3 answers

Is my modest english skills a handicap to write on the site?

I'm some new to this stack exchange community. Over the last weeks I've been posting different kinds of problems to my best ability. Some of them had drawings or sketches (the best which I could make ...
Chris Steinbeck Bell's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it allowed to "insult yourself"?

The original poster of this question "insulted himself/herself". I'm not sure if it's allowed. Can you tell me? A super smart rebus
Scratch---Cat's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Are puzzles that mention real-world political situations forbidden?

I'm new on Puzzling, so please inform me if such a rule (or set of rules) exists. My puzzle: What is the maximum number of allies that you can have in this scenario? Original wording: Suppose you're ...
KarmaPeasant's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Let's write a proper "Read Me First"

Our site has a lot of rules. One might even say, an awful lot. It would be a very good idea to list the most relevant of them in one place somewhere (the tour seems like a decent option) so that we ...
Bass's user avatar
  • 78.6k
0 votes
1 answer

Is there an appropriate way to advertise a puzzle question from MathSE here?

Suppose there's a question over on MathSE under the tag [puzzle] that, among all questions tagged puzzle, I think would especially be of interest to the users here on PuzzlingSE. Also, it's a ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the trivia tag for?

Recently I posted a trivia question using the trivia tag, however, it has now been closed as OT with this comment "I'm closing this question as off-topic because it is not a puzzle; it is simply a ...
Willtech's user avatar
  • 369
9 votes
1 answer

Is it alright to ask questions about how to phrase a puzzle?

I have a math-flavored word puzzle that I like to give to my students, but I'm not happy with the way the puzzle is phrased. It has too many things that need to be explained to my students. Is it ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Proposed policy on mathematical questions

For background, see: Should mathematics questions really be on-topic here? (about "routine" mathematics questions) What tricky mathematical questions are on topic here? (about "heavy" mathematics ...
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What's our policy on questions asked merely for hats?

Let's say I just posted this to get a hat. What is our policy on such questions, either on Meta or on the main site?
Mithical's user avatar
  • 8,894
0 votes
1 answer

Having the same answer in an open-ended question

I made an answer in a certain open-ended question on Puzzling. I revisited the site later, to find that another answer had been posted and accepted. The answer was identical to mine, only with a ...
boboquack's user avatar
  • 22.1k
-4 votes
2 answers

Are chat games with a prize allowed?

I'd like to know whether I'm allowed to start games involving a bounty prize in chat rooms (specifically in The Sphinx's Lair). For example things like The first person who solves my chat user ...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Answering own puzzle

I recently found this page in the help center: This confused me a bit. Does Puzzling Stack Exchange want us to answer our own puzzles or is that for other puzzling stack exchange sites? Personally I'...
Beastly Gerbil's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What's our policy towards potentially offensive posts?

For example, content of this post is somewhat erotic(, though I think it's a valid answer.) What should we do with posts containing materials unsuitable for young children?
nalzok's user avatar
  • 183
12 votes
1 answer

Revisiting the 'math question or math puzzle' policy

There have been a lot of discussion in the past about which math questions are on-topic and which one are off-topic. But I today I found a bit old question (with amazingly net 4 upvotes) which is ...
manshu's user avatar
  • 6,304
-2 votes
2 answers

How fair is it to forbid a user to delete his own post?

Yes we can all read license of terms and we know they can write anything they want. But how fair is this situation? This policiy is %99 good for StackExchange and %1 for community. What do you think ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Puzzling StackExchange Rules [duplicate]

A site about puzzle solving needs some ground rules. Have any of the mods gotten around to this yet, because the Help Center page is just the StackExchange default one? Something like: Potential ...
user1717828's user avatar
  • 1,535
9 votes
1 answer

Avoiding Sock Puppets

So, a question was asked earlier today that was quickly closed. It did raise a question in my mind that I thought I would put forward. What is there to keep someone who is trying to promote an ...
Aggie Kidd's user avatar
  • 11.7k
15 votes
3 answers

Posting famous unsolved puzzles

I recently came across this question. It presents a conundrum that it claims to be as-of-yet unsolved by anyone. Several people did a lot of work and research, and managed to come up with a ...
GentlePurpleRain's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Avoiding Plagiarism and Spam [duplicate]

So, some recent discussion has raised a question in my mind, and just plain in general. A buddy of mine and I are thinking of starting up a small site for puzzles. He doesn't particularily enjoy ...
Aggie Kidd's user avatar
  • 11.7k
12 votes
3 answers

Puzzle askers should say if they don't know the answer [duplicate]

I've been disappointed a few times when I tried to solve a promising-looking puzzle, given up, and waited eagerly to hear the answer, but no answer came because the asker revealed they don't know it ...
xnor's user avatar
  • 27.9k
12 votes
0 answers

State of meta.puzzling.SE rules

So, it was recently asked when a community consensus is reached. Additionally I have observed a lot of users having no overview at all of the current rules, so for the last few days I have been ...