Questions tagged [search]

For questions about search and advanced search features.

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3 votes
1 answer

Searching for my comments with score 5 or more

I recently received the PUNDIT badge (Leave 10 comments with score of 5 or more.) Is there a way I can use the PSE search facility to find these comments?
5 votes
8 answers

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

Here you will find the complete code to apps/tools that may help you solve puzzles and/or create puzzles. They may even turn tedious procedures into interactive simulations! If you have a piece of ...
36 votes
7 answers

A collection of Puzzling Tools

This post is a community-wiki compilation of useful puzzle tools and websites. If you find some useful source, please edit the according answer post to add it. Also add a short description, please. ...
8 votes
1 answer

Tips for searching for duplicates

I am a new user to Puzzling, and made some duplicate questions. But it is very difficult searching for duplicates in Puzzling, because some questions just have titles like e.g. "Number riddle&...
5 votes
1 answer

How can I conduct a search on Puzzling.SE for a question that contains a slash mark?

I ran across a cipher of the form NNN/N NNN/N NNN/N etc., where N represents integers. I feel like I've seen a puzzle like that before, probably here, but trying to search for this kind of pattern ...
18 votes
1 answer

Change "unanswered" search to "unsolved"

I generally use the filter hasaccepted:false, and think others do too. (Try it with this link.) The clickable searches include ...
11 votes
0 answers

Improved interface to posts of common interest?

Q:   What do these three recently well-received Meta posts have in common?     Change “unanswered” search to “unsolved”     Should we have a meta-sorted list ...
3 votes
0 answers

MathJax rendering in snippets confused by search terms

Search terms seem to interfere with MathJax rendering. Searching for "12 coin" reveals these post-snippet renderings in the search results: