Questions tagged [vote-to-close]

Voting to close is the process by which users can vote to close a question if it is off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the FAQ.

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10 votes
3 answers

What to do with "What is the best method of scrambling a rubik's cube?"

The question in question is this one: What is the best method of scrambling a rubik's cube?. The gist of the question is this: ... what is the best, most random way, to scramble the solved cube? ...
13 votes
2 answers

Is the distinction too subtle between downvoting and voting to close?

Q1 (rhetorical). What distinguishes these three things? A downvote A vote to close A vote to remain closed I’m beginning to wonder if we really know, and am beginning to suspect that we ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is this puzzle like a mathematics exercise?

Result: Thanks to Dan Russell’s thoughtful answer and others’ constructive comments, the puzzle statement has been reupholstered, the puzzle has been reopened, and a complete solution is ...
10 votes
1 answer

Proper rules for closing

"[...] it helps people define more clearly when a question should be closed. And that's something we really need for riddles right now." (Emrakul) As per request of several people, including myself, ...
4 votes
0 answers

Retract Close Vote?

I close voted a question recently and wish to take back, so an option in the "Close" menu should be "Retract vote". It would be a lot faster than flagging a mod. Is there already an option like this ...
5 votes
2 answers

Should "What's the Missing Number in the Series X" be allowed?

The questions can have multiple correct answers that are not accepted as they're not what OP had in mind. The "correct" answer is also very often opinionated. Should these questions be on topic?
3 votes
2 answers

Are questions that change the premise slightly duplicates?

To date, we've seen many questions that are almost exactly duplicates of each other - the logic used to solve the puzzles is exactly the same, but the words, quantities, values, etc. may be slightly ...