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17 votes

Sharing and rewarding what went into making a good puzzle

An outline for wrap-up posts can be found at Wrap-up posts: What should the formal part of it contain? Please copy the outline’s header, being sure to include the words ...
BmyGuest's user avatar
  • 18.2k
6 votes

Can we self-answer our questions if no one answers? Should we?

What usually happens is that puzzle authors give hints; first, simple nudges, but I've seen hints which spoil half the puzzle, so to speak. Depending on the type of puzzle, posting a simplified ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 28.1k
5 votes

Unanswered puzzle - leave, self-answer or write a postmortem?

I'll echo what @GentlePurpleRain has already said, and will add - I would be most in favor of your last option, though again any of the 3 GPR noted would be fine. I only have this preference ...
Rubio's user avatar
  • 41.7k
4 votes

Unanswered puzzle - leave, self-answer or write a postmortem?

I think any of 1, 2, and 4 are acceptable. You might want to think about what your goal is. Is your goal to have someone solve the puzzle? to offer an explanation the puzzle and what you feel was ...
GentlePurpleRain's user avatar
3 votes

When should I answer my own puzzle?

how long would one consider it as "long enough" That's going to depend a lot on individual opinion. Definitely not on the scale of hours or days, though - maybe not even weeks, more like months. This ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
3 votes

How long should I wait before providing the answer to my riddle?

This is a slightly modified form of my answer to a very similar question This will vary from person to person. But, if solvers aren't able or interested enough to solve a puzzle, here's the process I ...
Deusovi's user avatar
  • 150k

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