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risky mysteries's user avatar
risky mysteries's user avatar
risky mysteries
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Darkness
8 votes

Should we ban Deusovi from puzzle-solving?

5 votes

Why get downvoted when accepting an answer?

5 votes

Fortnightly Topic Challenges Threrun: Topic Suggestions

5 votes

What to do if OP insists on their *objectively* wrong answer to their own puzzle?

4 votes

My question has been closed even with huge views and upvotes? "1 moderator is no better than 10K users"

4 votes

Should my answer be deleted if there is a similar/identical answer?

4 votes

Am I allowed to join the The Sphinx's Lair?

3 votes

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

3 votes

How many hints should I typically add to my puzzle?

2 votes

Would it be worth adding a matchstick framework?

2 votes

Duplicates of duplicates?

2 votes

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

2 votes

If my question is closed, should I add my answer to my question?

2 votes

Fortnightly Topic Challenges Threrun: Topic Suggestions

2 votes

Do we want to keep the accepted answer pinned to the top?

1 vote

Is it acceptable to have politically-charged language in an otherwise apolitical puzzle?

1 vote

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

1 vote

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

1 vote

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

1 vote

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

1 vote

A collection of customizable Puzzling Tools

0 votes

Answers not in the spirit of the question