It happens quite frequently that someone posts a question that's taken from, say, an online IQ test. (The most recent example I've seen is from this one.)
Sometimes the question is posted without proper credit to its creator. That's plagiarism and we have a nice clear policy about that. But sometimes the poster gives full and appropriate credit, with a link to the website or a reference to the book or whatever.
The question might be a copyright violation. But our general policy is not to be proactive copyright-police -- we will of course do the right thing if a complaint about copyright violation comes in, but it's not the job of our community or moderators to go checking the legal status of everything posted here.
So let's suppose our hypothetical question does give proper credit and we haven't had anyone complain about copyright violation. But the original source says something like this (taken from the preamble to the IQ test linked above):
We ask that you do not share your answers in any public forum in order to maintain the integrity of the test
and/or something like this (taken from the same place):
This test [...] is the unique property of the International High IQ Society.
Quite aside from questions of plagiarism and copyright, a question taken from there is copying something its creator doesn't want copied and is seeking help with something its creator doesn't want help sought on.
Should we forbid questions whose creators have asked that the questions, or their answers, not be shared?
[EDITED to add:] At the time of writing, the votes are +10-0 on the question itself (which I take to mean that there is general agreement that this is a thing we should make explicit), and +19-0 on the "yes, forbid them" answer and +1-1 on the "no, allow them" answer. My own vote, which of course I can't actually cast on any of these, is that this is worth making explicit and we should forbid such questions.
I think it's fair to summarize this as follows: The People have spoken, and henceforth questions of this sort are not permitted here. If a question here reproduces a question from elsewhere whose creator has asked for either the question or its answers not to be shared, you are encouraged to downvote the question and/or vote for its closure; it will likely end up being deleted.