Rather than trying to stick around and fix the site, I decided just to leave. I'm not interested in the direction this site is heading, and I'm not invested enough in this site's success to care if it fails. For the questions I do care about, many of them can go on Math SE or MathOverflowMathOverflow. Speedcubing questions still have no good home in the network, which is a shame, but there are other sites dedicated to it outside the network and I don't see any indication that such a question would be any better here than e.g. on Sports SE. For anyone who is still around and agrees that this needs to improve, I wish you the best of luck, but I think it may be too little too late to turn this site around and I have no idea how to do it.
replaced http://sports.stackexchange.com/ with https://sports.stackexchange.com/
replaced http://math.stackexchange.com/ with https://math.stackexchange.com/