Without any restriction, can a single sentence be written or spoken using the words "to", "too", and "two" in the same sentence consecutively used (one after the other) and be proper?
That is the main question seen the post you linked. This is basically a yes/no question, not a question with lots of possible answers and interpretations of the question in which only one is correct. The question can be answered correctly by choosing the correct answer (yes or no) followed by a reasonable explanation on why you chose one of those two options.
Now this question is way too broad: all you need is a sentence with "to two too" at the end. With all the possible answers with such a narrow question requesting either yes or no with an explanation makes no sense and is off-topic here.
but it seems to me to be puzzling and pleasantly challenging, thus within "creation and solving of puzzles"
I can understand your view on the question but as I said above, the question basically only has one answer: "yes" plus a sentence to explain why it is possible. It is not challenging like other puzzles, where users might see other ways other from the actual answer and is though-provoking.