Former pictures: Dakota puddles (prairie potholes), 2012-01-30; Yellowstone River icicles, 12 Dec 2011; Black-and-white ducks on YR, ca 6 Jan 2012; Eagle in eastwind snow, on south bank of YR, 15 Jan 2012; Sunlight & shadows on riverbottom, 5 Feb 2012; Duck in park puddle, June 2011; Trumpeter swan pair on YR, 13 Feb 2012; American Avocet on YR, 10 May 2012; Pelicans flying above YR, 24 June 2012, and pelican in YR, 16 May 2012; Rainbow above Livingston Peak, 23 July 2012; Rose/squirrel, 21 Nov 2012; old Bangalore station, Dec 2004; Bighorn sheep, Zion, 8 Nov 2013
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× 8Aug 5, 2022
CriticAug 23, 2014
SupporterAug 23, 2014
AutobiographerAug 23, 2014
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