Recently, this review has popped up with some controversy surrounding it. This controversy obscured the actual question behind the review, so I'd like to ask the question here.
While the answer wasn't explained at all, there was certainly an interesting thought process behind it, and more importantly it hadn't been said yet. Within minutes, there was a delete vote started on the answer. Before two days had passed, the answer was deleted.
There is another meta post here where a moderator answered that a correct policy for answers like this should be to first add a comment asking for an explanation, then if after 48 hours an explanation hasn't been added, flag the answer for deletion. We didn't even give the poster 48 hours before his answer was deleted entirely, receiving 5(!) delete votes in that period as well as attention from a moderator.
In the future, how should we handle posts like this? I rather like Kevin's suggestion from the above linked meta post, which clearly isn't currently being enacted. Further, if/while we wait for an explanation to be added, should we skip the answer in our queue, mark it as a "Looks OK", or simply leave it for later? I think ironing out these policies now will prevent tension in the future, as well as (and more importantly) promote good quality and a friendly atmosphere on Puzzling.SE.