Reading another meta post (Handling puzzles with multiple steps and the posting of partial answers) got me wondering if it would be okay to post a multi-step puzzle as multiple puzzles. I've been wanting to make some sort of scavenger hunt puzzle that goes across multiple questions, but I am unsure whether it's acceptable to post a series of questions at the same time that rely on the answers of each other to solve a final puzzle.
I feel like this would solve the problem from the linked meta post of having a very long puzzle for people to solve and everyone either keeping their answer to part of it to themselves or piggybacking off someone to get the final answer easier. Assuming that each of the puzzles have enough content to be a puzzle on their own, is it okay to post a series all at once, or should the later puzzles only be posted when the previous one is solved?
Here's an example:
Question 1:
Requires solving of 2 Vigenere ciphers with different keys.Question 2:
Get a secret message from an image using an anagram of the keys from question 1(Insert some more questions with other types of encryptions)
Final Question:
Rotate the keys on all the previous questions and use it to solve a large string of letters into a final sentence.