
We have a weekly lunch-and-learn / culture building type meeting in which we always start off with a puzzle to get people engaged.

The puzzles we present are relatively simple, like the one with fox and the hen and the feed crossing the river. While looking for a source of new puzzles, I remembered this site. But the level of difficulty of most of the puzzles around here is too high for this particular forum.

Is there any chance that I might find a handful of "easy" puzzles on this site, e.g., by filtering on a particular tag? Or should I go looking elsewhere?


1 Answer 1


If you have criteria on what would define an "easy" puzzle (e.g. short question text, short time between question being posed and answer being accepted, more than 10 upvotes, etc.), you can use StackExchange Data Explorer to create a custom query to return those results.

(The above hyperlink links to a query I made with (somewhat arbitrary) criteria to try to narrow things down to what you want. Tweaking it might help you find exactly what you're looking for.)


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