Yesterday I posted a cookie-cutter formatted riddle. Turns out, someone else had already used the same cookie-cutter on the very same answer word.
Because of the way that particular cookie-cutter works, this resulted in the answer and the deduction process being pretty much identical, which is grounds for closing the puzzle as dupe according to this meta answer.
However, in this case, the outward form of the clues is different, even to the point that you basically have to independently solve both riddles before you can tell that they have the same answer. To add some anecdotal evidence to that claim, the person who solved the earlier puzzle says that he didn't realise that the same answer would fit the latter one.
The way I see it is that from a purely riddle solving point of view, solving a duplicate riddle (particularly if it's of the wordplay variety) that you can't tell is a dupe isn't all that different from solving a brand new non-dupe one, so there is at least some value in having both versions of the riddle. All this raises the question:
Should we change the "dupe" VTC guidelines on riddles so that they'd include a condition of being able tell the dupeness without independently solving both puzzles?
(As an unrelated observation: while the answer to both of the example riddles is the same, the one posted to the "dupe" has double the score of the other (+30 vs +15 at the moment) despite having fewer views. Go figure.)