We should temporarily remove ourselves
HNQ has been showing our worst side to the rest of Stack Exchange. The "hotness" formula heavily weights popularity and activity over a short period of time, which systematically rewards bad puzzles: ones that spawn many different short answers because the question is ambiguous and anything goes. Meanwhile, puzzles that are well-specified, hard puzzles, ones that take a while to write up answers, or expert-level questions about puzzling aren't showcased, giving a skewed image of our site.
I think the influx of traffic from HNQ is in part to blame for the recent dip in quality. The mass of new, lower-quality answers and questions has overwhelmed the existing user base and made it hard to enforce existing policies due to their sheer number.
HNQ creates a bad image for our site. Showing off poor questions drives traffic to these poor questions, and invites users who will post poor answers and further poor questions. This creates a self-reinforcing cycle of low quality. Sure, quality questions are sometimes exposed and quality users learn of the site, but right now the odds are stacked the other way.
We may lose exposure, but that's not what we need now. We have plenty of activity but low quality. We can afford to lose some exposure until we get a better handle on quality and are able to enforce the existing policies from Meta.
Once this influx dies down and we have policy and quality better under control, we should flip the switch back on and show off our new, better site to the world.
Edit: Adding my comment on why I think just pruning lower-quality content doesn't suffice now:
I think it's just a question of volume. The amount of stuff coming is overwhelming our ability to downvote, close, edit, or suggest to posters how to improve their content. I've heard "15x increase" thrown about. I don't think we can act fast enough to quality-control the firehose of activity on an HNQ question as it pours in.