Oh great, now all our mods are a bunch of noobs who wouldn't know a spaghetti party from a TMBMP.
Congrats to Gareth and Rubio! We've all seen a lot of you around as puzzlers (well, puzzle solvers in Gareth's case), and you've already shown your mettle in moderation as room owners of the Sphinx's Lair, the main PSE chatroom. I'm sure you'll have an easy transition into diamondhood and we'll hardly notice any change. Both of you got my votes in the election.
Thanks also to all the other candidates. While I think Rubio and Gareth were very clear frontrunners from the moment they nominated themselves, I'm sure any of the others would also have done well in the role of mod. The election wouldn't have been interesting without you. Thank you for volunteering yourselves, and better luck next time.
Finally, a fond farewell to Emrakul. I've already written my Emrakulian eulogy elsewhere, but once again, your standing down marks another milestone in the site's history. The pro-tem team, who weathered so much during the site's early months, is no more. But at least you'll still be around on Literature, and in TL to share your experience with the new mods.