On Puzzling - as with other sites in the Stack Exchange network - each question tag has its own associated 'tag wiki' page, containing information to explain the use case for each tag, i.e. when it's appropriate to use, what one might expect to see in a question with this tag, etc. (See the riddle tag wiki page, for example).
Each of these pages also includes a very brief 'TL;DR' stub at the top of the page to explain in its most basic form what this tag is about. This is known as the 'tag wiki excerpt', and is what appears in the tooltip when hovering over a tag with the mouse.
Users with sufficient reputation on PSE are able to edit and improve tag wiki pages, to make them easier to use or more relevant as puzzle types evolve with time or become more popular.
The problem
Lately, one particular (and relatively new) user appears to have taken it upon themselves to be the site's unofficial tag wiki librarian and is gradually, day by day, going through tag wiki pages and making the same edit to many tags to explain that (paraphrase) 'general [tag name] questions that are not puzzles are off-topic here, but can be asked on our sister site [relevant site in the Stack Exchange Network].' (For example, see the mathematics tag wiki page.)
While such enthusiasm is to be applauded (even if it's only to earn an easy +2 rep or achieve the Research Assistant badge!), these edits are being made twice to each page - once in the main body of the tag wiki, and once in the 'tag wiki excerpt'. There are two problems I see here:
This is redundancy in action - a large quantity of the same information appearing twice on the same page.
This often makes the tag wiki excerpt overly long and more difficult to read quickly.
The tag wiki excerpt does not need to contain all of the information from the tag wiki body - the point of it is to summarise the key points about this tag that a user might need to know when they are considering using it on a question, or when they have clicked on it to find out more about questions tagged this way in general. In my view it is not essential to list all the things that this tag is not, and alternative places to find further information in the tag wiki excerpt - this is the place to list the bare minimum of relevant information for somebody with a passing interest in this tag.
When these edits first began appearing I - like many other users - blithely fulfilled my duty in the Suggested Edit review queue and accepted all the ones that appeared not to be detrimental (or purely changed spellings between US-UK English - but that's another post...!). However, after some reflection I now feel that editing the tag wiki excerpts in this way is NOT beneficial to the site.
Does the PSE community feel these tag wiki excerpt changes offer any benefit to the site? (Or am I alone in thinking they do not??)
I have made it clear (I hope) that in my opinion adding more and more information into the tag wiki excerpts makes them more cumbersome and less useful, but I appreciate that I am not the only user on this site(!) and that differences of opinion doubtless exist.
If some kind of consensus can be reached then we can either allow these tag wiki excerpt edits to continue (under the notion that this information is key to the short tag wiki excerpt) or we can undertake some kind of clean-up operation (under the notion that this information belongs best in the main body of the tag wiki page only).